Character Interview: Petyr Crest from P.I. Alltraine's HEARTBOUND

We’re thrilled to be talking to Petyr Crest from P.I. Alltraine’s, Heartbound.  It is a pleasure to have him with us today at Pimp That Character!

Thank you for your interview, Petyr.  How old are you and what do you do for a living?

In your time, five centuries and twenty-seven years, but time works differently in my world. I am one of the future leaders of my world. I have been given the task to enter the human world and understand the cause of the disease that’s killing my kind.

Can you tell us about one of your most distinguishable features?

As an Astra, my brain can process information at a maximum speed. For instance, I can analyse every detail in situations and interactions, compose myself, choose the most precise response before the other person can even blink. A strong Astra is supposed to be all knowing of the past, future, and everything in between. I used to think I had all the answers. Then, I stumbled upon Scarlett, and I never seemed to stop stumbling.

What would I love the most about you?

I don’t know if there’s anything about me I could be proud of. My entire existence is encrusted with guilt and shame, but I am doing my best. I want to be brave enough to step out of the safety of my lies. I want to fight. I want to be free.

What would I hate the most about you?

I hold my hand up to my arrogance and my ignorance. These led me to believe I could never lose control, and I could never be capable of committing the Forbidden. I’ve also been called a rebel. The word is a reminder of how much I’ve changed. The sound of it stings. With it, I hear reckless, weak, traitor.

Where do you go when you are angry?

My mind is far too rational to entertain angry.

What is your greatest fear?

I want to say that I’m afraid Scarlett wouldn’t be safe from all the dangers being with me could bring into her world. I care about her and her safety. Of course, I do. But the fear of her finding out the truth is what haunts me. I’m afraid to see the look in her eyes when she finds out my true purpose in her world, the monster I can be.

Do you think the author portrayed you accurately?

I wished I could have hidden my fears and my cowardice, but I had been exposed for everything that I was. I had to hide my true identity from Scarlett because I was afraid she would not be able to accept me. I had to hide the extent of how I felt for Scarlett from my kind because I was afraid I wouldn’t be able to protect her from them.

Are you a loner or do you prefer to surround yourself with friends?

I’d been jumping and exploring worlds alone for Centuries, but since my time in the human world, I’d come to appreciate the value of having someone to share my life with.

Who is your best friend?

I consider Dru to be a true and loyal friend. I owe him so much for trusting me, for never losing faith in me, for supporting me as I deciphered the dangerously unfamiliar emotions I’ve been experiencing.

If you knew you were going to die tomorrow, what would you do today?

I would hold her close to me, hoping she’d know how much I do love her. I would give up everything for her, wage a war for her, turn into a monster for her. I know that it’s against all the odds for someone like me to ever experience the power, the immense happiness from the abstract notion the humans call love, and for a human, whom by nature embraced ignorance, to witness what I am and still look at me with affection is close to impossible. Yet, I still hope for it.  

About the Author: 
P.I. Alltraine is an award winning poet and author. She has won several international poetry competitions, and her poems have been published in separate anthologies.
She teaches English Language and Literature in London. She earned her degree in BA English from Queen Mary University of London, a Post Graduate Certificate in Education and Master’s in Teaching at the UCL Institute of Education, University of London.
Before moving to London, she lived in the Philippines where she was ensconced in the rich culture encrusted with dark myths and enchanted tales. She draws inspiration from these in her writing. Although she has lived indifferent places and experienced different cultures, she always enjoyed the constancy of writing in her life. Her favourite authors include John Milton, Virginia Woolf and James Joyce.
Her latest book is the YA fantasy romance, Heartbound.
For More Information
About the Book:

Title: Heartbound
Author: P.I. Alltraine
Publisher: Soul Mate Publishing
Pages: 177
Genre: YA fantasy romance

Petyr has never found it necessary to consider the humans as anything more than distant, inferior beings–until now. They are the cause of the fatal disease that has plagued his realm, taking the lives of too many of his kind. As a future leader of a realm in peril, Petyr must find a way to resist and cure the affliction. He must enter the unfamiliar realm, appear to be an ordinary eighteen-year-old human, observe, and learn.

However, things don't exactly go according to plan. Instead of embarking single-mindedly on his sober mission, Petyr meets an 18-year-old girl who does things to his emotions that he can't quite fathom or control. Petyr is falling in love, and he almost forgets the gravity his choices have on his entire world. Despite the risk it poses to his life and hers, he wants to know her, and he wants her to know him–and his world.

For More Information

  • Heartbound is available at Amazon.
  • Watch the trailer at YouTube.
  • Discuss this book at PUYB Virtual Book Club at Goodreads.


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