Interview with Laura Harris from Marlene M. Bell's A HUSH AT MIDNIGHT


We’re thrilled to be talking to Laura Harris from Marlene M. Bell's A Hush at Midnight.  It is a pleasure to have her with us today at Pimp That Character!

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Thank you for your interview, Laura.  How old are you and what do you do for a living?   

Good to be with you today. I’m forty-seven years old, currently on hiatus from my celebrity chef’s position in California. My specialty is making pastry and sinful desserts. I’m in Texas temporarily to be with my parents who are dealing with health issues. 

Can you tell us about one of your most

distinguishable features? 

 If you can call it a feature, I’m very petite. Four-foot-eleven inches in my bare feet. Not exactly an off the rack girl when it comes to buying clothes and shoes.

What would I love the most about you? 

I’m strong willed and have a big heart. A friend of mine is a friend for life. 

What is your most treasured possession?  

A bed quilt made for me by my mother before she passed away from cancer.

Are you a loner or do you prefer to be surrounded by friends? 

I prefer to be alone with my thoughts. It’s where I’m the most creative, especially when working on my cookbook.

What is in your refrigerator right now?  

A chocolate Texas sheet cake kept on hand to soothe any negativity tossed my way, a pitcher of sweet tea and two bins filled to the brim with organically grown vegetables. I believe in cooking everything from scratch. 

What is your greatest fear?  

Not leaving anything behind as a legacy. I’m unmarried and have no children. My mortality is in my face the closer I get to age fifty.

If you could change one physical thing about yourself, what would that be? 

I wish I wasn’t so tiny. It would be nice to see into my kitchen cupboards and not feel as if others were looking down on me.

Who is your best friend?  

Does Dad count? Since arriving in Coldspell, Texas, I haven’t had much time to make new friends. The baker I’m helping out is a friend, but I wouldn’t call her a close friend. It’s hard for me to relate to Duska Novak because she’s had a harder life—making her way in business without parents. Sometimes I think she holds herself back, unsure of her own abilities. She’s a terrific baker with unique talents. It’s my job to guide her through town gossip and help her bakery survive bad press and petty small-town jealousy. I’ve lived with parents who would sacrifice everything for me. Duska didn’t have that support.   

What is your favorite weather? 

 I like the changing of colors, so it would have to be autumn. In East Texas, we see beautiful reds and oranges when the temperatures cool off. It’s the cooler temperatures that bring on our fantastic sunsets! Watching a spectacular sunset takes my mind off leaving California and gives me a reason to stay in Texas with Dad. 

Book Description:

Marlene M. Bell brings distant friends together in the rural South only to have one of them become the victim of a brutal crime of passion.

Once celebrated for her show-stopping pastries and irresistible desserts, former celebrity chef Laura Harris is now making headlines for a far darker reason.

Laura has been accused of murder.

How could this petite chef have brutally smothered the beloved small-town matriarch, World War II ferry pilot veteran, Hattie Stenburg? Hattie wasn’t just a pillar of the community; she was Laura’s confidant and mentor. The shocking twist? Hattie had made recent changes to her will, bypassing next-of kin and leaving her entire fortune and historic estate to Laura.

As Laura scrambles to clear her name, she uncovers sinister secrets lurking beneath the town’s idyllic surface. The real murderer is always one step ahead, leaving taunting clues and threatening Laura to leave Texas—or face deadly consequences. With time not a luxury, Laura must untangle the web of deceit before the killer makes her the next victim.

A Hush at Midnight is available at Amazon.

About the Author: 

Mystery at a killing pace.

Marlene M. Bell has never met a sheep she didn’t like. As a personal touch, her fans often find these wooly creatures visiting her international romantic suspense, thriller, and cozy mystery books as characters or subject matter. 

Marlene’s multi-award-winning Annalisse series boasts numerous Best Mystery honors for all installments including the newest IP Best Regional Australia/New Zealand, and Global Gold Award for the fourth cozy mystery from down under. 

Her children's picture book, Mia and Nattie: One Great Team! written for the younger crowd, is based on true events from the Bell’s Texas sheep ranch. Suitable reading for ages 3 - 7 years and beyond, a Mom's Choice Gold Award winner, and Eric Hoffer Award Grand Prize Short List winner. 

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