Interview with Nolan Troxler of 'The Reclamation'

We’re thrilled to be talking to Nolan Troxler from Thorn Osgood's, The Reclamation. It is a pleasure to have him with us today at Pimp That Character!

Thank you for your interview, Nolan.  How old are you and what do you do for a living?

No problem, thank you for asking me. I'm fifty-nine and a web designer by trade, but I also have invented information and telecommunications products that are completely safe for users and the environment.

Can you tell us about one of your most distinguishable features?

Over the years I have continued to wear my hair shoulder length with a stubble beard. Of course now,
my hair is salt-and-pepper gray.

What is the trait you most not like about yourself?

Embarrassing as it is to admit, I am completely absorbed with my work and have too often procrastinated on taking appropriate actions when required.

What would I hate the most about you?

You would probably hate the fact that I remained absent from my daughter, Corilan's life, while she was growing up and did not see or talk to her for more than twenty years.

Where do you go when you are angry?

When I am angry, I retreat to my home and absorb myself in my work and commune with my ancestral guide.

What makes you laugh out loud?

Nothing in recent memory brings laughter to mind. These days, I'm too concerned about staying alive and trying to provide security for others being threatened for their decision to become Earth guardians.

What is in your refrigerator right now?

I tend to focus mostly on lunch foods, so I know there are a few tomatoes and salad greens in the fridge. For other items, you'd have to check with my housekeeper, Martha, who maintains the food supply.

What is your most treasured possession?

My most treasured possession is my home which has been in the family for three generations. Because of its size, I can venture into the world of invention in private with easy access to my laboratory.

What is your greatest fear?

Since I have already lost one of my best friends to foul play, I worry constantly about my daughter's safety and that of our organizational members and those that join with us in Earth conservation.

Do you think the author portrayed you accurately?

Yes, I believe so. The positives, extremes and, sad to say, the negatives are all there.

About the Author

Thorn Osgood was born in Thomasville, Georgia, and grew up in South Florida. During her grade school years, her father read her stories that fed her imagination. Through the years, she has traveled many times to that special place in her mind to imagine fantastic yarns and what ifs and she has finally started to write them down. This is her debut work. Thorn currently lives in Crawford County, Georgia with her Mittelschnauzer, Raskoph, and his stray cats, Grayball and Tweeky.

His latest book is the scifi fantasy, The Reclamation.

For More Information
About the Book:

Author: Thorn Gould
Publisher: Mind Wings Audio
Pages: 595
Genre: Scifi/Fantasy
Corilan, 25, is an IT project manager by day, and spends her free time involved in ecological organizations endeavors. When her long-absent negligent father, Nolan, wants to see her she’s annoyed. Finally, she decides to see him and despite the friction over his absence, from that meeting her life evolves. Nolan tells her of his birthright, an environmental organization, the School of Ancestral Guidance (SAG) and its members having ancestral guides. This clarifies Corilan’s gift, a voice inside, something she has never revealed. Knowledge of SAG feeds her obsession against environmental destruction.

Then an invisible entity, Earthos, manifests itself to her and proposes assistance in uniting people that want earth preservation. Years, she has been seeking a way to unite conservationist factions and still has no solution. Inspired by her inheritance, she accepts Earthos’ proposal and infuses with him. Then, she joins the SAG organization. From her infusion, she soon discovers abilities, among them lightning bolt generation, mind reading and control.

Armed with powerful abilities and her ancestral guide, Corilan must take an unexpected path. Then she discovers who her real enemies are and must find a way to defeat them.

For More Information

  • The Reclamation is available at Amazon.
  • Pick up your copy at Barnes & Noble.
  • The book is also available at Kobo.
  • Read a preview of his book at his website.
  • Discuss this book at PUYB Virtual Book Club at Goodreads.


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