Interview with Dani Foxx from Lindy S. Hudis' HOLLYWOOD UNDERWORLD


We’re thrilled to be talking to Dani Foxx from Lindy S. Hudis' Hollywood Underworld.  It is a pleasure to have her with us today at Pimp That Character!

Thank you for your interview, Dani.  How old are you and what do you do for a living?

I’m a personal manager for actors and writers. A personal manager is somebody who guides the careers of artists. I like to take a hands-on approach with my clients, so I tend to keep my client list small so I can

give each one of my clients personal attention. I look for Movie Star Quality when seeking to represent actors. There are so many here in Hollywood.How old am I, lol. A lady never reveals her age, especially in this town! Let's just say I'm late thirties.

Can you tell us about one of your most distinguishable features?

I’m very determined yet very optimistic. Being a woman in Hollywood has its unique set of challenges. I work in a very male dominated field. I know how to schmooze – that’s Hollywood talk for networking and smooth talking. Flattery will get you everywhere in this town.There are so many fragile egos here that you just play the game.

What would I love the most about you?

I’m kind, patient, and fun loving, yet very career oriented. I have actors calling me at all hours because they need a confidante to talk to. I am always there for my clients and friends. I consider my clients my friends as well.That it what a personal manages does. Not only do we get out clients work in this industry, we are a friend, mom and shoulder to cry on. 

What makes you laugh out loud?

This business! In all seriousness my partner, A.J. told me to keep my sense of humor, you are going to need it. Boy, was he right. I love silly, funny comedies. It's fun to just chill with Netflix and find a hidden gem of a movie. It’s nice to take your mind on a little vacation occasionally.

What is your most treasured possession?

My daughter, my best friend A.J., my business and my determination. I have worked very hard to create this business from the bottom up. I consider myself a hero.  My house in Woodland Hills is a prized possession as well. It years of hard work to finally pay it off and now my daughter will always have a home.

Are you a loner or do you prefer to be surrounded by friends?

Both. A healthy blend of both is best for me. I love to be surrounded by people. I have dinner parties at my house all the time for my friends and clients. Some of my acting clients need a good, hot meal! Solitude is good for the soul and a time to recharge your batteries.

What is in your refrigerator right now?

Leftovers from Bob’s Big Boy in Burbank! It’s not too far from my office and I like to take clients to lunch there sometimes. It was the very first Big Boy restaurant in the country and sadly, it’s the last because so many have closed. We love the All -American burger they have there. So good but so big! I can’t eat a whole one, so I bring the leftovers home and Dale gobbles them up!

What is your greatest fear?

I live in a huge, dangerous, and violent city. I love it, but it can get violent. Everyday when my daughter leaves for school I pray there is no school shooting. It’s a sad world we live in, but you can’t let fear take over your life.

If you could change one physical thing about yourself, what would that be?

Thin thighs, lol. I would like to be able to go on less sleep, but I need my eight hours. Some people can go on three or four hours of sleep. I have no idea how they do that! It’s crazy to me, but I do need a good night’s rest.

Who is your best friend?

A.J. Tarentella. He’s always looking out for me. He is super protective my Dale and myself.  He knows how to handle the bullshit in the town like nobody else and, since he comes from a very wealthy and connected family, has much more power than I do. He’s wonderful to talk to, a bit aggressive at times, but that is just the “Italian” in him, as he likes to say.

Do you have children?

I have a teenage daughter, Dale. She goes to Grant High School in the Valley. She wants to follow in my footsteps and become a personal manager.

What is your favorite weather?

California sunshine! Nothing else like it.

Do you like to cook?  If so, what is your favorite thing to cook?

I love to cook! I love to cook for people. I just had a dinner party last weekend and I made Beef Wellington. It’s not an easy dish to make but I love to try new things. It’s part of my adventurous spirit.

If you knew you were going to die tomorrow, what would you do today?

Tell my family and friends I love them. I do that everyday because you are not guaranteed tomorrow.

Book Description:

 Nick Savage was supposed to be the next sexy Hollywood heartthrob, until he turned up dead…

His personal manager, Dani Foxx, is a seductive former actress with spunk, guts and a take-no-prisoners attitude. She lives in the Woodland Hills section of the San Fernando Valley with her teenage daughter. They must survive and protect each other in the world’s most glamorous and sin-filled city. Then an unidentified body discovered under the Santa Monica pier is found to belong to the up-and-coming young actor.

Dani’s partner, the dashing and charismatic A.J. Tarentella, is the son of a mob boss, raised in a ruthless crime family. He now is the proud owner of the Tarantella Agency, a Private Investigation Company located in the heart of Beverly Hills. He used his father’s work ethic, connections and family ties to build his powerful business empire, and now he is always there to help those in need.

When another gorgeous nubile actress on the brink of getting her breakout role mysteriously vanishes as the body of a beautiful young girl is discovered in Runyon Canyon Park in the Hollywood Hills, Dani realizes this is no coincidence. Who is targeting young Hollywood stars? And more importantly, how can Dani stop them before the next body surfaces?

Together, A. J. and Dani find themselves tangled in a web of organized crime, Hollywood secrets, and a vengeful faded movie star with a lethal vendetta.

5.0 out of 5 stars Tinseltown’s Seedy Underbelly Exposed


“They say Hollywood is a dream factory, and having worked in the film business myself, I can say that can be true. But the reality behind the facade can sometimes be the stuff of nightmares. For every big break, there’s a thousand broken dreams. And for every actor hustling to land a role, there’s another who decides the compromises required just aren’t worth the damage it does to a person’s soul. This novel is about reality, the pain, the moral compromises, the crime, and the shattered lives that litter the streets behind the scenes. This book, though fiction has a lot of truth in it, and the novelist pulls no punches. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!” – Amazon

Hollywood Underworld is available at Amazon.

About the Author

Lindy S. Hudis is an award winning filmmaker, author and actress. Lindy is a graduate of New York University, where she studied drama at Tisch School of the Arts. She also performed in a number of Off-Off Broadway theater productions while living in New York City.

She is the author of several titles, including her romance suspense novel, Weekends, her “Hollywood” story City of Toys, and her crime novel, Crashers. Her latest release, “Hollywood Underworld – A Hollywood Series” is the first installment of a crime, mystery series.

In addition, she has written several erotic short stories, including “The S&M Club”, “The Backstage Pass”, “Guitar God”, “The Guitarist”, and “The Mile High Club”.

Her short film “The Lesson”, which she wrote, produced and directed, has won numerous awards, including ‘Best Short Film’ at the Paris International Film Festival, The Beverly Hills Arthouse Film Festival and the San Fransisco International Film Festival.

She is also an actress, having appeared in the indie film Expressionism, the television daytime drama “Sunset Beach”, also “Married with Children” , “Beverly Hills 90210” and the feature film “Indecent Proposal” . She and her husband, Hollywood stuntman Stephen Hudis, have formed their own production company called Impact Motion Pictures, and have several projects and screenplays in development. She lives in California with her husband and two children.

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