Interview with Lenny Burton from Wes Verde's LUNA'S VEIL

We’re thrilled to be talking to Lenny Burton from Wes Verde's Luna's Veil.  It is a pleasure to have him with us today at Pimp That Character!

Thank you for your interview, Lenny Burton. How old are you and what do you do for a living?

Nearest I can figure, I’m about twenty – Ma was never exactly sure, but I put 1903 as “year of birth” on my enlistment papers. And for the last year or so I was a cook in the Marines. Suppose you could say I’m between jobs at the moment, but looks like I might carry a rifle again; professionally.

Can you tell us about one of your most distinguishable features?

Couldn’t say. Never thought of myself as much of a Dapper Dan, but I reckon I did something

right when I caught the eye of Frances Arnault. Though, that was years ago. My wife, Rita, never exactly let on what she saw in me, but then we were both a bit out of our minds with each other at the time. 

All I know is that Police Chief Connor O’Fallon and Judge Mason never had any trouble recognizing me, so maybe they could tell you.

What is your most treasured possession?

I stole a boat once. Lucy’s Promise is a white-hulled beauty and finer than anything I’ve ever had a right to. When Rita and I were still just courting, I was feeling particularly bold and suggested we make off with her father’s sloop. Truth be told, I’d appreciate a floating piece of wood if it meant I got out on the water. Those three days might have been the happiest we’ve ever been. While I treasured it, the boat was never mine… and sometimes I wonder if she ever was.

Are you a loner or do you prefer to be surrounded by friends?

Oh, I like friends just fine. It’s just I don’t seem to have many of them these days. Most everyone I know has turned their back on me… though in fairness, I can’t exactly blame them.

Good news is I seem to have made a new one. Cecil… has his quirks, and I’m not sure I fully understand half the things he says, but a solid man to have around. I think he may be the only other person that knows about the dark and strange things that got me into this mess in the first place.

What is your greatest fear?

During my tour in the Dominican Republic, a corpsman pointed out these little green snakes that coiled up in the branches around camp. They liked to snatch little birds as they were coming or going from their nests - when they were least aware. He warned us to shake out our boots before putting them on in the morning, just in case one crawled inside. Let’s just say he never had to tell me twice. For a while I thought that was frightening.

And then something out of a nightmare tried to pull me to the bottom of the Delaware Bay.

Who is your best friend?

Up until recently, I would have said Slim Harris without a doubt. We were the best man at each other’s weddings, but I’m not sure he’d even talk to me these days. Had a bit of a falling out after I came back home; it’s not a happy story. Maybe Lou Panetta, a fella from my platoon. He and I shared a bunk for most of a year. 

But if I have to say for certain… Cecil Gainor. He sprung me from jail and believed me when no one else would. I mean, I’ve only known him a few days now, but there’s something about fighting alongside a man that shows you what he’s really about.

What is your favorite weather? 

Any day where the water isn’t too choppy. A steady and cooling breeze to our stern and the warm sun above, that’s just a peach. The water can be a dangerous and fickle thing; a force of nature really. A man never feels quite so small or insignificant as when he’s getting tossed by roiling black waters and salt foam.

Do you like to cook? If so, what is your favorite thing to cook?

Oh, that’s where I shine. From my twelve-month tour in the Dominican Republic I picked up a few recipes for chicken using brown sugar and a bunch of peppers from this vendor down in the market; Jesus his name was. Swell fella. Even though he probably overcharged me just a bit. Some of the boys in my unit complained about how spicy it was, but they always emptied the cook pot right to the bottom. 

If you knew you were going to die tomorrow, what would you do today?

Wouldn’t be the first time, I suppose… But ok, I’ll bite; let’s say that in this case it was more of sure thing. Fair enough. I’ve been on borrowed time for too long. Not many people left for me to say goodbye to. Suppose I’d want to make sure my gear was clean and well-oiled. Then, tuck in for a nice meal. Something with meat and potatoes. No sense in going to my last fight hungry.

Book Description:

Title: Luna’s Veil

Author: Wes Verde

Publisher: Independent

Publication Date: June 30, 2024

Pages: 328

Genre: Horror/Action
Leonard Burton wakes up to find his life in ruins. His wife is dead, and no one believes his story about what killed her – he’s not even sure he believes it himself. Now, in jail for the crime and with no friends, his prospects are bleak. That is, until he is rescued by Dr. Cecil Gainor, an enigmatic investigator and perhaps the only other man who knows what unnatural horrors are really at work.

Unfortunately, more questions arise when Cecil’s partner disappears while chasing the same dark forces responsible for the death of Lenny’s wife. The two men realize they must follow the trail themselves, or many other lives may be at risk.

What follows is a race against time to clear Lenny’s name and find the real killers before the full moon. The death and destruction that has already been suffered is nothing compared to what will occur beneath Luna’s Veil.


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About the Author


Wes Verde is an engineer by trade, a busybody by habit, and a lifelong Jersey boy.

A fan of nature, he spends as much time outside as possible.

His latest book is the horror/action novel, Luna’s Veil.

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