Character Interview: Christopher Styles of 'Material Things'

We’re thrilled to be talking to Christopher Styles from Larry Spencer’s, Material Things . It is a pleasure to have him with us today at Pimp That Character! Thank you for your interview, Christopher. How old are you and what do you do for a living? I am 24 years old and I write TV sitcoms and also own a hip clothing store in Sherman Oaks, California . Selling bellbottom pants and trendy apparel. Can you tell us about one of your most distinguishable features? I would say my sarcasm. What would I love the most about you? My wit and edgy humor. What would I hate the most about you? My sarcasm. Once had a date with this girl who at the end of the evening said I was the most sarcastic person she’s ever met and to never call her again. Where do you go when you are angry? I drive in my car, chain smoke and yell at horrible drivers for making stupid mistakes on the road. What makes you laugh out loud? Watching Geor...