Character Interview: Sadie from Paulita Kincer's 'Paris Runaway'
We’re thrilled to be talking to Sadie from Paulita Kincer’s, Paris Runaway . It is a pleasure to have her with us today at Pimp That Character! Thank you for your interview, Sadie. How old are you and what do you do for a living? Today is my 50 th birthday. I teach elementary school art. Those tiny kids are such a relief compared to teenagers. Do you have children? I have two daughters. Evangeline, 19, just finished her first year of college at Tulane. She’s staying there this summer to take classes. Scarlett is 17. I planned to spend the summer with her, but she surprised me by going to stay with her dad for two weeks on the first day of summer break. I haven’t heard from her yet today, even though it’s my birthday. I hope she didn’t break her phone. Can you tell us about one of your most distinguishable features? My hair definitely stands out – a brassy red, sometimes kindly described as copper. What would I love the most about yo...