Interview with Tiffany from Karen Charles' BLAZING UPHEAVAL

We’re thrilled to be talking to Tiffany from Karen Charles' BLAZING UPHEAVAL. It is a pleasure to have her with us today at Pimp That Character! Thank you for your interview, Tiffany. How old are you and what do you do for a living? I am in my 40’s and teach elementary students. Can you tell us about one of your most distinguishable features? I have long reddish-blond hair and striking blue eyes. What would I love the most about you? You would love my warm smile and captivating personality. What makes you laugh out loud? I laugh out loud at the wonderful humor of my students at school. What is your most treasured possession? My most treasured possession is my family. Other than them, it would be my piano. Are you a loner or do you prefer to be surrounded by friends? I enjoy being with friends and entertaining but I also treasure alone time. What is in your refrigerator right now? Milk, and oranges to ma...