Interview with Charlie McKay from W. L. Brooks, Unearthing the Past

We’re very happy to be talking to Charlie McKay from W. L. Brooks, Unearthing the Past. It is a pleasure to have her with us today at Pimp That Character! Thank you for your interview, Charlie. How old are you and what do you do for a living? I’m twenty-five and run my family’s diner. What is in your refrigerator right now? Milk, coffee grounds, leftovers from last night’s meatloaf, the rest of my daughter’s oatmeal from this morning, creamer, bottled water, fruits, vegetables, and condiments and such. What is your most treasured possession? A box of recipes given to me by my foster mother, Anita. What is your greatest fear? Something happening to my family—it happens more than you’d think. Or…at least it does in my family. What are three must haves when shopping at the grocery store? Popcorn, ice cream, and coffee. Are you a loner or do you prefer to surround yourself with friends?...