{Character Interview} Dr. Vincent Konrad of 'Monsterland Reanimated' by Michael Okon

We’re thrilled to be talking to Dr. Vincent Konrad from Michael Okon, Monsterland Reanimated . It is a pleasure to have him with us today at Pimp That Character! Thank you for your interview, Vincent. How old are you and what do you do for a living? It’s Dr. Konrad, thank you very much. Well, I prefer not to tell you my age because its none of your business. I’m also quite dead and I’m just a talking head, no pun intended. The rest of my body has been confiscated by the government, but my trusty sidekick Igor found my head and has reanimated it. Lucky me. I used to run a theme park with real werewolves, vampires, and zombies in a place called Monsterland. The ending was exactly as planned. Now, I’m onto Plan B. What would I love the most about you? My love for humanity. What would I hate the most about you? ...