{Character Interview} Ben Bracken of 'A Wanted Man'

We’re thrilled to be talking to Ben Bracken from Robert Parker’s A Wanted Man It is a pleasure to have him with us today at Pimp That Character! Thank you for your interview, Ben. How old are you and what do you do for a living? I’m 34, and for a living , as you put it, I was a soldier. A Captain – Her Majesty’s Royal Army, Welsh Guards. I had 10 years on the record before they wiped it. What would I love the most about you? Who knows? My witty repartee, or my ability to put someone in a leg-lock which breaks both their legs above the knee in less than five seconds? Both are great at a party, so it’s completely up to you. What would I hate the most about you? You can’t take me anywhere. We spend more than an hour together, and I’m agitated and want to get moving. I can’t sit still. My legs just can’t do it. You’d be irritated to hell by me. What is your most treasured possession? I don’t have any trinkets, or heirlooms. Nothing like...