
Showing posts from May, 2016

Interview with Prince Caratacus of 'The Wolf of Britannia'

We’re thrilled to be talking to Prince Caratacus from Jess Steven Hughes', The Wolf of Britannia, Part I .  It is a pleasure to have (her/him) with us today at Pimp That Character! Thank you for your interview, Prince Caratacus.   How old are you and what do you do for a living? I am 27 in Roman years, and a prince and future king of the Catuvellaunii and Trinovante tribes found in what you and the Romans call southern Britannia. What would I love the most about you? My devotion and loyalty to my family, especially, my wife, Rhian, and to the people of my tribes. Where do you go when you are angry? I go to the vast forest beyond our hillfort, Camuladunum, which you call Colchester to hunt. What makes you laugh out loud? When someone plays a good practical joke on me. I can laugh as well as the next man. What is your most treasured possession? Besides my wife, Rhian, it is the great steel sword made for me by my best friend a...

Interview with Alex Ivanovitch from MC Domovitch's SCORPIO'S KISS & Book Giveaway!

We’re thrilled to be talking to Alex Ivanovitch from M C Domovitch’s, Scorpio’s Kiss .  It is a pleasure to have him with us today at Pimp That Character! Thank you for your interview, Mr. Ivanovitch.   How old are you and what do you do for a living? Thank you for having me. I’m twenty six, and I work for a New York architectural firm. The job doesn’t pay all that much, but trust me. I won’t be here for long. Someday I’ll have a firm of my own. And it’ll be way better than this one. It’ll be the biggest and the best. I’m way too talented to waste my time working for peanuts. Can you tell us about one of your most distinguishable features? Women like my good looks. They say I’m a young Cary Grant. Chuckle . Men like my ambition. They look at me with a bit of mistrust, but they don’t mind hanging onto my coattails and coming along for the ride. Because it’s gonna be a ride, trust me.   What would I love the most about you? My vision of t...

Interview with Rachel Lyons from Kaylin McFarren's 'Banished Threads'

We’re thrilled to be talking to Rachel Lyons from Kaylin McFarren’s Banished Threads . It is a pleasure to have her with us today at Pimp That Character! Thank you for your interview, Rachel. How old are you and what do you do for a living?  I’m 33 years old and left my positon dispersing grant funding in San Palo, California a year ago to be with my fiancé and partner Chase Cohen. Our business involves recovering lost sunken treasure around the world. Can you tell us about one of your most distinguishable features?  I’ve been told that my eyes are remarkable. Perhaps it because they’re light hazel with blue specks and look more green than brown. What would I love the most about you?   I love to teach and be taught. I’m money conscience, hardworking and productive. And I’m loyal, neat and very organized. What would I hate the most about you?  I seem to always be aware of people’s flaws and weaknesses, and have been known to ...

Interview with Jules Windsor of Stephen Matino's 'The Hidden Reality'

We’re thrilled to be talking to Jules Windsor from Stephen Martino’s The Hidden Reality .  It is a pleasure to have him with us today at Pimp That Character! Thank you for your interview, Jules Windsor.   How old are you and what do you do for a living? (British Accent) My, what an auspicious way to begin an interview. Age is irrelevant, and what I do is a completely different story. Plus, by now you should all know what I do. Was it not I who broke the Bank of England by selling the Pound short and earning billions in a matter of a single day? Was it not I who provided my business, The New Reality, with the financial know-how to economically abscond with the world’s sovereignty simply by allowing them to spend their way into irreparable economic debt? Oh, but the question is not what I do, but more appropriately, what should I be doing? When my insufferably oppressive uncle relinquished his reign over our business known as The New Reality by dying, I sh...

Interview with Character Peri Reed from Kim Harrison's THE DRAFTER

We’re thrilled to be talking to Peri Reed from Kim Harrison’s, The Drafter .  It is a pleasure to have her with us today at Pimp That Character! Thank you for your interview, Peri.   How old are you and what do you do for a living? I’m a special task agent for Opti, and if I told you what I do for a living, I’d have to kill you. Just kidding! My partner, Jack, and I work for the government as espionage agents to further the United State’s interests at home and abroad. Where do you go when you are angry? Anywhere Jack isn’t, but the sensory sauna at the executive gym in my building is a favorite. I usually set it for the Arizona hot springs. What is your greatest fear? I don’t like to be alone. At all. What is the trait you most dislike about yourself? Though I won’t admit it to anyone other than an Opti psychologist, I dislike forgetting. It’s not the simple, “I forgot to feed the cat,” kind of forgetting, but more like the “who ar...