Character Interview with Sol 203119 from The Beams of Our House by Trey Dunham

We’re thrilled to be talking to Sol 203119 from Trey Dunham’s, The Beams of Our House . It is a pleasure to have him with us today at Pimp That Character! Thank you for your interview, Sol. Can you tell us your story? I can tell you what I know. My earliest memory is being dropped by my mother at the Garten, which is a home for young children who live in the City. Families in our society don’t exist for the most part. Most biological parents lack the skill to raise a child, so kids are sent to the Garten at an early age to be raised by professionals. And there are no married couples. Marriage was abandoned long ago; it was too much of a drain on society. Now teenages are sent to the Academy, where we learn to date, and hopefully procreate. There were some unintended consequences to the downfall of marriage! And our reproductive technologies didn’t work out as well as we’d hoped. So I ended up at the Academy, where they taught us how to Couple; forced us really. Our ...