Interview with Diana from Annie Miles' MISLED

We’re thrilled to be talking to Diana from Annie Miles’ new women’s fiction novel, Misled . It is a pleasure to have her with us today at Pimp That Character! Can you tell us about one of your most distinguishable features? My hair. People say I look like Margaret Thatcher. What would I love the most about you? I’m fun to be with. What would I hate the most about you? I can be a bitch. I don’t take s*^t from anyone. Where do you go when you are angry? To the person I’m angry with to tell him or her off! What is your greatest fear? That I’ll run out of money. What are three must haves when shopping at the grocery store? Ice cream, Hershey bars, and potato chips. I’m opening up your cabinet. What foods do I see? Potato chips and Hershey bars. If you could change one physical thing about yourself, what would that be? My feet would be smaller. What is your favorite weather? Autumn. A sunny...