Character Interview with Lann Drean from the Aeromancist by Charmaine Pauls

We’re thrilled to be talking to Lann Dréan from Charmaine Pauls’ Aeromancist . It is a pleasure to have him with us today at Pimp That Character! Thank you for your interview, Lann. Can you tell us your story? I thank you for having me today. The pleasure and honor are mine. Normally, I do not talk to the press, but since a Chilean journalist nearly ruined my life, and more importantly, that of the only person I love in this world, I felt our story had to be told, for reasons I will not explain now, lest I spoil your reading enjoyment. I was born in Russia. Forgive me my terrible accent. I do try very hard to speak a proper English. My mother died giving birth to me. My father never forgave me. He abandoned me when I was one day old. I was handed down from family to family, until I was strong and old enough to run away from the misery of a foster childhood I will not bore you with. From the age of nine I grew up in the streets of Moscow, surviving by tricking and ...