Character Interview with Sam Jenkins from Wayne Zurl's From New York To The Smokies Anthology Collection

We’re thrilled to be talking to Sam Jenkins from Wayne Zurl's, From New York To The Smokies Anthology Collection. It is a pleasure to have Sam with us today at Pimp That Character! Thank you for your interview, Sam Jenkins. Can you tell us your story? Sure, I love to talk about myself. Shortly after World War Two I was born in Brooklyn, New York. Although I never wanted to leave a community with such an efficient trolley system, I had little to say in my parents’ decision to pick up and move east to Long Island where I grew up. Like most American males of the baby-boomer generation, I spent my adolescence wanting to be a cowboy, soldier, or policeman. Those aspirations were based on perceptions fostered by movies and later television. The Vietnam War accounted for my time as a soldier, as did sixteen more years in the Army Reserves. After separating from active duty and returning to the US, the New York State Employment Service told me I possessed no marketable civil...