Marilyn Monroe from Mercedes King's 'A Dream Called Marilyn'

We’re thrilled to be talking to Marilyn Monroe from Mercedes King’s, A Dream Called Marilyn . It is a pleasure to have her with us today at Pimp That Character! Thank you for your interview, Marilyn. How old are you and what do you do for a living? I’m 36 and I’m an actress. Maybe you’ve seen some of my movies, Gentlemen Prefer Blondes, The Seven Year Itch, Some Like it Hot, The Misfits ? I’ve been in movies for a while now, and there are times when it’s a struggle. Most people tell me I’m wonderful, but I’d like to try more challenging roles. What would I hate the most about you? I have heard people say such things about me. They complain that I’m late or hassled, that I don’t know my lines when I’m on the set. That’s not always true. I’m not perfect, of course, but I work with Paula (my acting coach) so I can be a better actress. People also say I drink too much and take too many pills. To be honest, I’m not taking any pills at the moment. I ju...