Jedediah Worth: Deeds of a Colored Solder During the Rebellion, Volume I: From the Beginning to Chickamauga by F.W. Abel

It is a pleasure to have Jedediah Worth of Deeds of a Colored Soldier During the Revolution by F.W. Abel with us today at Pimp That Character! Thank you so for this interview, Jedediah. Now that the book has been written, do you feel you were fairly portrayed or would you like to set anything straight with your readers? The story was faithfully recorded as I told it, mistakes in memory and all. I guess some mistakes with be made when a retired old man is telling his story beginning when he was 15 years old. I give the book credit for correcting my mistakes of fact, not in my narrative, but in the Endnotes. Do you feel the author did a good job colorizing your personality? If not, how would you like to have been portrayed differently? Again, he recorded my story, pretty much as I related it to him. I know my personality changed from the beginning of the book, when I was still a slave, to the end, after I had fought in ...